Life in the field...

Born and raised in the coastal city of Durban, South Africa, Clayton spent his time growing up in and around the ocean. Now living on Australia's, Gold Coast. His mission is to capture the beauty of nature, with a particular focus on marine life, coastal environments, and endangered species. He applies his extensive knowledge of underwater environments and marine species to capture stunning photographs using a combination of scuba and free-diving techniques, from not only underwater but covering land, surface, and aerial perspectives.

Clayton strives to increase awareness around the challenges facing our ocean. By creating captivating images his goal is to form meaningful connections between people and nature. Which highlights the importance of preserving our oceans in order to maintain a healthy environment, for all to thrive.

Latest Awards & Accomplishments...

Claytons' image One Breath was short listed in the Nikon True Tide Photography Competition.
Claytons' image titled The Breacher was a finalist and received a high commendation in the following competitions.
OPY Awards - Ocean Photographer of the Year - Wildlife Category
Sony Alpha Awards - Nature Category
Crikey Magazine Photography Competition - The Natural World Category